Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Oh Weather, Once Again, You Got the Best of Me!!!

What are the odds that Loverboy's flight gets cancelled? If you asked me yesterday I would have said there's no chance in hell. Ask me now....I'd say they're pretty good seeing that it happened. Fuck you god of thunder!!! I was very excited when I got a text message today while I was in the library that said "My flight was cancelled."

My response: "Don't mess with me."
His: "I'm serious."
Mine: "Seriously babe? If you're joking I'm going to be pissed!"
His: "I said I was serious. I'm standing in line to figure things out."
Mine: (thump, thump, thump)

My heart just started racing as fast as possible. I honestly thought I was going to start crying or screaming or something nonpublic-friendly. I waited for him to call me back, and when he did, he said in an easy-going tone, "I'm going to be a little late tonight, Honey. I'm flying from ____ airport instead so I won't be landing until 10:15."

I'm honestly not the least bit surprised that things turned out the way they did. What a kick in the pants though, huh? We have been waiting to see each other for over a month now, what's two more hours*?

Instead of leaving for the airport right now, like I had planned, I am sitting in my office computing the next prime number after 10^a where a=100, 200, 300, ...., 2000. It's an assignment that is supposed to get us acquainted to a mathematical software. It is really taking no skill on my part to type the command in. It is however, taking my time while it's computing the number. This is not fun.

*Answer: an eternity


Pokey Puppy said...

Awww.. sucky!! but at least he will get there in the end!!

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry that happened! But at least Pokey is right and you do get to see him :-)

(I will however kick mother nature's arse for you next time we meet for coffee ;-) )

Gigi said...

okay god of thunder ease up the girl needs her man!! I hope you are enjoying your much needed time with him and then some!!

Anonymous said...

Great work.