Monday, August 20, 2007

Meat=Bad but Smoking=Good?

For the past few days, I have been considering the oddities that are my roommates. Once again, they are vegetarians. The following observations are pretty much just based on one of the roomies, P:
  • If a person vows not to put the horribleness that is meat into her body, then how can she see it fit to smoke? I smoke (occasionally now, hooray!) as well so I can see some of the appeal, but I don't discuss meat as if it will give me some horrible disease.
  • Going along with that, how can a person that thinks meat is disgusting feed her cats half a can of wet food then leave the can and the rest of its contents on the counter with one of her spoons in it and not think anything of it? She eats of that spoon and yet it does not bother her that it was resting a pile of wet, meaty cat food for the better part of a weekend. Sidenote: I couldn't stand walking into the kitchen with the can there after about a day so I chucked it into the garbage. I apologize for not recycling the can.
  • How can a person that eats so little, make such a huge mess in the kitchen? Is it to prove that she does in fact eat at least once a day? Well, P, I got the message, you can start rinsing out your dishes and putting them into the dishwasher!
I do not know how to approach these issues with her (not the first, that just made me wonder, but the other two are issues). She has obviously had this behavior for quite sometime. I doubt she thought, hey there's a new girl moving in, what can I do to disgust her? I could throw up all of her bathroom after I get wasted off of two margaritas...oh wait, she did that too. In her defense, though, she had not eaten in about a year so her body couldn't handle all of the alcohol.

Oh yeah, I feel better now. Time for class.

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