- Yellow caution signs with "suggested" mileage around corners are beneficial suggestions, not just decoration
- My car really does not have any pick-up, especially when holding my entire life (minus my books) in the back of it
- I can handle (while not gracefully) driving in 5-lane highways for long periods of time
- I get easily distracted while listening to a good book
My driving was perfectly executed during the trip...meaning, I didn't get into any accidents and didn't receive any tickets. Shortly after we arrived and unpacked my car, SL and I went to the local Big Lots, Dollar General and Target to pick up the odds and ends I needed to make my portion of the house livable. While pulling into the Target parking lot, I realized I had been using my spare key for the mini excursion and had in fact left my house key in my new bedroom. Rats! I called my new roomie and explained the situation. She was at a restaurant with her brother so she gave me directions so I could drive to her and get her key. After a little shopping spree at Target, we got in the dreaded car and headed toward the restaurant. It was pretty close. A nice, easy drive, yet somehow while rounding a corner, I managed to take out a curb! After driving for 2 days without any mishaps, I took out a freakin curb and scratched my rim! All I could do was laugh.
About 5 minutes after leaving the restaurant, I got a phone call from the same roomie. Through her giggles, she explained to me that she had accidentally given me all of her keys and therefore had no way of getting home. I went back to give them to her and on the way, slowed down while rounding all corners.
Thus far, this is all I know about my roomies:
- They enjoy alcohol, but not to get wasted
- They have two cats, that are clearly not vegetarians because their wet food with chunks of animal gives the house a distinct smell
- They are healthier than me
- They are extremely nice and have offered to share their Netflix account with me
Know any good movies I should order?
YEY!! Glad to hear you made it there safe and sound! You were on my mind this weekend.
"yellow caution signs with "suggested" mileage around corners are beneficial suggestions, not just decoration"
omg.. too too TOO funny.. glad to see you on.. have been checking multiple times.. lol...
hmm.. movies.. disturbia is coming out and very un-like me.. i'm dying to see it!! and with netflix you can order it before it comes out.. how cool is that!!
THE 300!!!
Lots of well shaped guys YUM!
Shh, don't tell Andy. I told him I bought the movie for historical purposes...
Just wanted to let you know that I will not accept stationary and happy be an excuse not to post. Sure you are in a fabulous new local... Sure you have great room mates to get to know... Sure you may lose your keys from time to time.. But forgetting about us less fortunate who are left at home IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!! Post damn it, post already..
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