Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What Does Your Postcard Say?

While talking to one of my roomies yesterday, I was informed of Post Secret. The blog owner apparently has been up and running for several years (roomie said she has been a faithful reader for 3 YEARS!). The gist of the site is, people write secrets/confessions on fancily decorated postcards and anonymously send them to him. He then sorts through the thousands he receives and posts a handful on his blog each week. This has become such a popular trend that he has published at least two books cataloguing some of the more interesting postcards.

Roomie just so happened to have one of the books so naturally I dropped what I was doing (homework) and read the book cover to cover while soaking in the tub last night. It was a wonderful read. I felt like I was connecting with millions of people through their secrets yet none of us know each other.

If I were to send in a postcard today it would read: "Saying you love me says nothing! Show me!" I would also probably write it in a scarlet red marker and decorate it with hearts. On the bottom would be me depicted in stick figure form YELLING the words in a cartoon dialogue bubble. Across from me would be Loverboy (again stick-figurized) with a big question mark above his head and his palms up in the air as if he has zero idea what I am talking about.

What would yours say?

1 comment:

isolated singularity said...

My postcard would have a picture of the city of Rome and say, "When will I not be so busy and have to time to visit Rome?"