Thursday, April 17, 2008

If I Were to Write a Test Right Now

The first question would be...

1. Would you rather*:
(a) Eat fish sticks for lunch and dinner everyday for a month (February counts). Fish sticks for breakfast would be optional.
(b) Eat a meal from Sonic that I purchased and sent to you on the next business day (note: I would probably buy it on a Saturday)
(c) Become a vegan

My best friend from IL and I worked together for nearly 6 years and during our downtime (i.e. the majority of the day) we would write each other faux mid-terms that included questions like the one above. While feeling low the other day, I wrote her a test. It was the first one in over a year. I had such a hard time thinking of things to write that it almost made me feel worse. I used to be so creative (or so I thought). Unfortunately, now my brain is so math-focused that I find it difficult to think about anything else. I hate it!

In an attempt to prevent further deterioration of my creativity, I signed up for a French class next semester. One of our degree requirements is to obtain the ability to read in at least one other language. The department strongly recommends that we take our language classes during the summer, but I am sticking it to the man and taking it when I want to take it.

I remember going through undergrad thinking why do I have to take all of these nonsense classes? How is Tolkien and Fantasy Literature going to help me in the future? When am I ever going to pull out my Women in Scripture notes? Now I know the answer: to keep me sane. If I took all classes in one area back then, I would have never finished. Plus, enrolling in those random classes helped maintain the flow of my creative juices.

2. Life is a Highway. Naturally, you want to drive it all night long. What kind of car do you want to drive it in?

*Answer: (a) but for breakfast you choose to eat a meal high in fiber to cleanse your insides


Anonymous said...

Hmm....(B). I would rather have a few old days Sonic meal because I miss them!

and as for a car..Minivan if I have to have kids with me...if not..Dodge Charger baby :-)

Pokey Puppy said...

1. A (i have a silly love of fish sticks!)

2. Jaguar s class from 2004!