Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A Little Anecdote that I Just Remembered

The calculus students that I help have online homework called WebWork. Whenever they have trouble with a problem, they can email the professor and [unbeknownst to them] it's emailed to me too. Well, WebWork can be a little tricky sometimes and it does not accept answers that are not entered in perfectly. Usually the emails are: "Um, Dr. ____, I know the answer to this problem is ___, but WebWork is not accepting it. Will you still give me credit?" His response is usually, "Um no, ____ your answer was wrong. You were missing ___." Anyway, I usually don't read the emails, because [to be completely honest] I don't really care, but today there was a really short one so as I moved the arrow to the big red X to delete it, I read:

Um, Dr. ____ how do I insert a "pie" into WebWork?*

Baaaaaaaahahaha! [cricket, cricket, cricket] Ok, ok that's not funny to most of you [if any], but when I read it I pictured the girl on the computer screen handing her homework a pumpkin pie so as to coerce it into accepting her answer.

*Pi [not pie] is a number and it's usually not [if ever] preceded by "a".

Teeheehee. "A pie"...hilarious!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I wonder if we are related by any chance ;-)

I read that line..totally thought the same thing...and then made a series of giggles :-)

And as un-mathmatical as I am...I even knew what Pi was and how to spell Pi!

I amaze myself sometimes.
