Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Update: I'm Still in a Relationship...Tell the Creeps to Leave me Alone

Ok ok, so I didn't blog about my trip to Loverboy's, but guess what....I'm already going back on Monday so maybe by then I'll learn how to keep a promise and spill my guts about everything we did. The following are some random thoughts that come to my mind when I think about my visit a couple weeks ago: I shaved once before I left and once while I was there; his shower was clogged for the entire second day I was there*; I sat in on a math class at the university and out of 22 students there were only 2 girls (including me); his parents visited and took us out to an amazing dinner at an Italian style tapas restaurant; and...we cuddled. It was the perfect visit. Note: It would have been just perfect if it was not a visit, but since I was just visiting, it was in fact perfect (minus the slight b.o. I had acquired by the end of the second day oh and the fact that Auntie Flo decided to visit along with me...don't get me wrong, I love my aunts, but seriously, Aunt Flo, STOP VISITING ME WHEN I'M VISITING LOVERBOY!!)

I had my first non-missing-my-family/Loverboy/friends induced breakdown this weekend. It was, however, strongly alcohol induced. Some of the graduate students in the department planned a Happy Hour on Friday night for all of the graduate students and the department faculty. Well, only 10 or so of us showed up, 2 of which were professors. After sitting around a table drinking for an hour some of us got a little loose-lipped (at this point of the story, by us, I am referring to a professor). Out of pretty much nowhere (my opinion, maybe others saw where this was coming from), one of the students at the other end of the table yelled out to me, "Gyps, Dr. ____ (a professor, sitting right next to her, googling** at me) wants to know who in the department is attracted to you!"

Let me take a moment to explain how awkward this comment made me feel. First of all, everyone around the table put a hold to their conversation to hear what was being yelled across the table. In other words, everybody heard what she said. Second, Dr. ____ is that kind of old-guy creepy, you know, the kind of guy I would not feel all that comfortable being alone in a room with. Third, why the hell would he care who is attracted to me?!?!?! Naturally, I came up with a silly response to deflect the awkward attention...I yelled back, [my gay friend] Joe was the only guy that I knew that was clearly attracted to me. Giggles occurred all around, even from Joe and the awkwardness subsided.

As the evening progressed, the males [aka the majority] of the department stopped biting their tongues and started making [sexual-like] comments either to me or in reference about me. My favorite occurred after a male acquaintance struck up a conversation with me in front of two of the other males in the department. While I was talking to him, I heard this from the guys right next to me, "Oh man, we totally just got cock-blocked by him!" To those of you who do not know what the expression means, they meant that the guy was preventing them from making their moves on me that would [in their eyes] get me into bed with them. Insert a picture of me with a pissed off face here.

More and more comments like the above were thrown out by the end of the night and eventually some of the guys started putting their arms around me. I was not a fan of their behavior. I decided to do what any woman in my position would do, I went to the bathroom, peed, snuck over to our group to grab my coat and ran out of the bar avoiding all of the people shouting my name. In the process, I may have left my credit card behind with the bartender because my actions were unforeseen, I started a tab.

On my way home, I called my mom to tell her about my night and instead of explaining to her how upset I was, I decided to show her by getting nearly hysterical and bawling for almost a half hour. Just another wonderful weekend here. I feel so happy knowing that if things don't work out with Loverboy and me I could be harassed even more by the guys here. I hope the sarcasm was noted.

*I shaved before I got there so the tub was not clogged from me. He had taken a bath the day before to sweat out his cold and the tub wouldn't drain afterwards. It turned out he just had a little air bubble or something in his pipes and after I drained the dirty sink water from the dishes the bubble burst and the water drained. I was a hero.

**I'm not sure if googling can be used other than on a computer, but that was the word that I decided to use to describe the look on his face. It was a mixture of tipsy, creepy and interest. If you have a better word let me know.

1 comment:

Pokey Puppy said...

omg.. i'm sorry you had such a bad time!! But you know.. at least you know you are atractive right!!!! In a creepy, googling, pervert kind of way!! um yea.. guess that didnt help... Miss You Cuz!!